there're many things I cannot control. so, instead of keeping them to myself I guess I'm using this thing to get them out for future reference.

one of them is rather funny and lately it's been happening a lot more. if I hear a list of places or countries, I zone out and my mind goes "key largo, montego, baby why don't we go - oh I want to take you down to kokomo, we'll get there fast and then we'll take it sloooow".

I laugh at it when it happens - these parts of my brain are like a witty younger self - but it's usually during serious conversations - e.g. colonisation! capitalism! slavery! - so I know that it doesn't look good.

"what's so funny about international conflicts and war?". well, a lot really, but I WANNA TAKE YA DOWN TO KOKOMOOOOO WE'LL GET THERE FAST AND THEN WE'LL TAKE IT SLOOOOOOW


another thing I cannot control and makes me think my brain is more intelligent than I give it credit for is my list of pros and cons for anything I want to do during dreams. I can say I've been making life choices based on my dreams, ever more frequently. it's not that ridiculous if it makes sense and forces me to be aware of all the cons, right?

let's take last week - I got an invitation for a job/gig. I thought "yeah, I could do that".

the next night I dreamed about that job how it would go on - and my brain showed me how it wouldn't work. it would force me to wake up real early and walk way too much for what my body can handle, to travel here and there by my own means, to have sleepless nights and many people around (not a fan) soooo...

I woke up and cancelled it.

aaaaaaand just now while writing this they just contacted me again, asking if there's a way to make it work. nope. my dream showed me the future (imagine I just said that to the company haha) I wish I was joking.


hefty silent desire

