continuity errors
are part of it. I cannot pinpoint what "it" stands for in this context, but I would risk applying "it" to the whole timeline of life.
take them as continuity errors, not mistakes.
(in)fortunate positions from which you bounce off to a new destination forming in your soul - easier said than done? Sure.
as the song goes "it's a lovely tease of what's to come, something that you've never known"
at least it's different. And if before we wanted better, we've come to appreciate different as pleasurable, joyful, albeit rather stressful and fear-inducing.
some fears manifest in positive symptoms starting in anticipation, fears we should rationalise of anything yet unknown - they are not intrinsic to the thing as much as facing the unknown...
unknown has brought me good things... I think. At a glance it did, but surely not without growing pains. Funny how I seem to forget those when convenient for my psyche... As if I want to put those feelings away so I can enjoy the jump... ah! The jump! Yes... The almighty consequence of continuity errors.
always jump, create your own continuity errors, rejoice in them for nothing in life can be as intense as these
there it is.. psyche - butterfly - metamorphoses/metamorphisms
now go!